Own Your Swing

Great for all Golfers of all Levels

Owning Your Swing is all about developing a swing that uses your specific body mechanics. This module will make your swing more efficient, create effortless power and help you avoid injuries.
  • Golfers that are able to maintain the same swing year after year, while performing well and avoiding injuries have found a way to swing with their specific body mechanics.
  • Owning Your Swing involves understanding your biomechanical design and building your swing around that design.
  • There are 12 structural influences to your biomechanical design and each has 3 options. This module will help you identify which options work best for your body mechanics.
  • Owning Your Swing also requires that you understand your Dynamic Patterns and this module will help you identify those dynamic patterns that work best for your body mechanics.
  • Within this module you find videos helping learn how to screen for your Biomechanical Design and you’ll have access to screening sheets to help you understand the blueprint of Owning Your Swing.
  • The video instruction helping you understand your specific body mechanics and how to build your seeing around them. This module will make your swing more efficient, create effortless power and help you avoid injuries.

You Have Several Learning Options

man pulling club out of golf bag

Full Annual Membership

per year

This will give you full access to site, including the interactive forum.

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Individual Module

Ranging from $59.00 to $99.00
per module for annual access

Choose modules for specific areas you want to work on.

Own Your Swing

annual access

A library of over 200 videos specifically addressing Your Body Mechanics.